fredag 18. juli 2008


I haven't posted any pics lately...
Then i just post some of Uruha*laugh*
Seriously, IDK of a man prettyer than him.
He's so elegant.

just a question..

I suddenly came to wonder, why do people say that techno is the best music to train to?

Because i dont think so.
I mean, when i am runing og training i listen to rock. Music with a proper melody and steady beat.
Something thats outrageous, something thats keeps me going on, pushing myself.

It dont have to be a lot of screaming or something. But music that's kinda angry or like i said before outrageous.

So why techno people? why techno?
Giving me an answer such as "because you can use the beats in a song and find your rythm" or "because you can folow the rythm of the song much better", thats just shitt people. Deep shitt.

I traint to rock, jrock to be presisly, and i dont have any truble finding the beat or the rythm.
*laugh* There, its good to have that out if my chest

torsdag 17. juli 2008

moore writing..

yeah, i have started on another one..

Now i have something to work on for a while *laugh*
2 stories.. yeah.

Well, i guess im tired, i just dont feel it since im beeing in my own world, writing.
So im think i go to bed now.

btw, i finally have started writing here more often, Wuuui

Good Niiight


Im just done with another short story...

Well, since i wrote an outcast to a short story once, and one friend of mine said it was good, i decided that i give it at try. Haven't startet posting them on LiveJournal tho.
Maybee i should?

If there comes more days that is just as boring as this one, i'll end up writing a book*laugh*
It keeps on raining and there is nothing else to do here than listening to music and write.

now, why did the person who wanted tor ready my story dissapear from msn?

tirsdag 15. juli 2008


well, if anyone have noticed i have started to post things that i write on LiveJournal.
If you didnt know by now, there you go. Well, if anyone bothers to read my blog here*laugh*

Anyway back to LiveJournal.
I really like it, its a lot of people there who writes really god things.
I have only read a lots of fanfics about jrockers, tho *laugh*
But i have to say that someone have pretty good writingskills.
Wish i had *dreams*

Actually, i hope i gett better.
Since english isn't my first language i sometimes struggle to find the right words ect.
But i think having this blog where i write about my thougths and things than happen, really helps me. I allready feel like i can express myself much more easyer now than before.
i still think i have bad english, tho*laugh*

And just so i get it out.
Uuuui, i love Mannequin! They're music is pretty good to be a band started this yeard.
And the Vocal is so strong and pure, i love it<3
There, im done^^
And i think i need some sleep soon, headache.
But i think to much! and i feel really creative for some reasonOo

well... take care!

søndag 13. juli 2008

Alice Nine. - Rainbows

I've just heard and seen Alice nine. latest song, Rainbow.
I totally love it, the beat, the guitar solos, their style, and yeah..
Shou's pants! Totally love*laugh*

To se the pv.