onsdag 4. februar 2009

Notes# again

Note #1 Weird things obviously happens. My mp3 which usually can hold like 150 songs, i had now a hard time to get it full. And there's over 180 songs on it now! WTF??

Note #2 My friend who has classroom on the floor over me is to lazy to come down >_>

Note #3 Blueberry tea <3

Note #4 Do want a snake tattoo

Note #5 Am still waiting for my hair colour to arrive, what's taking so long?

Note #6 I've just eaten... a lot... But I'm still hungry

Note #7 my excuse for not going up to my friend; I dont remember where her classroom is

Note #8 I DO easily forget things

Note #9 I'm supposed to give a piercing back to a friend, but i forgot it at home

Note #10 Im freezing

Note #11 and i must pee...

Note #12 Cya~ *goes to the loo*

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