torsdag 2. april 2009

First April Post and im stressed~

So March is over, and im like NO NO NO NOOO!
Why? Because it's going too fast. ;_______;

Anygay, i didn't even manage to get over 20 posts in March. T___T

My excuse? Ta dam daam~

Yes, school is keeping me more busy than ever. It's drawings, documents, pictures of furniture, small tasks, big tasks, BIG project, pencils, do that, do this, write that, explain that, think creative here and think creative there EVERYWHERE!

thank god it's Easter break soon~

In four nights i managed about 21 hours of sleep, I've been drinking more coffee than ever, and I've eaten less and been either busy with school or friends. Yes, in stead of being home and taking care of myself, i have used my spare time on friends. They're too important to me, so i can't ditch them just to relax a bit. Who am i kidding? I could never be home and relax anyway! Im such a restless girl, i hate beeing home doing nothing.

But truth to be told i really need a break now, naoki-chan is exhausted. m;___;m

I just realisted, its a wonder that i dont have a major headache because i haven eaten or sleept properly.... O______o

And I promise, especially to one dear friend always worrying about my headache, when i get my break after tomorrow, i will take good care of myself an relax and rest properly.
I promise.

Now i should be sleeping, im really tired, BUT tomorrow is the last day on the Café project, which means i can't rest until i get the most of it done.
Most of it is done, but it's not good enough >__<



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