Do i have to say anything here?
Yasu's voice - So pure and clean its magical <3>
I love this pv, Yasu as a vampire, yes please *laughs*
And he seems to like seducing girls in his vids one way or another.
And the Pv's so different from what I'm used to.
Usually J-rock bands dont make videos with stories or something like that because they want their listener to focus on the music. They dont want to disturb you.
Yasu's pv's has stories in them, but i cant say it disturb me.
I laugh at some of them, or rather when they're showing up rather dorky, like in Spell Magic, and then turns out genius like that one does.
I guess musicians have different opinions on that, i really dont care much.
you can alwasy make a great pv, whether it's with a story or not.
Anywasy, I love Yasu's voice, style and music.
Acid Black Cherry is love<3>
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