lørdag 14. mars 2009

Pics of March vol. 1

So I thought I should get better posting pictures, i decidet to make at least some post each month with random pic. Just for fun. And because i take alot of pictures for nothing *laughs*

I made some yummi food two weeks ago <3
cant wait to make it again!

Friday a week ago i ate sushi... again<3
And next - Knitting is fun!

And a random outfit two weeks ago

Soyage <3 lovely! and the next is a sign on a bus, its a woman playing golf! *laughs*

And today i met the cutes dog ever! Topas!:D
He was so cute~~~~

Oh, by the way, to day i bought two lovely bottles of cold tea.
The bottles was decorated with japanese signs, sakura, and a geisha.
I just bought them because they were pretty!
I'll post a picture tomorrow, right now im to tired~
Good night~~~~


p.s. some of you might wonder 'why naoki-chan?'
The answer - its my nick name, and a japanese name i chose because saddly you cant translate Synnøve ;//

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