mandag 11. mai 2009

11th of May

Okay, i've been to lazy lately. It's almost 6 days since my last update. I haven't been busy, but im still recovering from the flu.

Anyway, at friday i was supposed to go out with friends, then the plans changed and i was supposed to go home to my parents place, then i missed the bus and i had to call my mother for the third time saying that the plans had changed again. She just laughed of me and said "well, see you on 20th then." Im not going home before the 20th of may, and i don't know how to manage. I usually go home to get food and my cloths washed.

On saturday i went out shopping with a friend and i never seen such crowded mall before. A lot of people indeed! I was kinda shocked, duh, it's just Bodø. Still, i hate crowded places because of all the people walking in my way! I hate when people walk slower than me, or stops right infront of me, or wont move out of the way when our path collides.

I also went out later with some friends, we had a fun time! Well, untill one of them got so drunk she had to go home. Then later i lost everyone and was alone and lost. It was scary. Suddenly a boyfriend of a classfriend found me and said "why are you all alone? You cant sit here alone, we're over there!". I was really surprised because the guy hardly talks to me at school. Anyway i found some classmate and had a good time with them. Then i went home about three in the morning.

On sunday i spendt my day watching series and reading stories/fanfics on Livejournal. I carved alost everything, Cheeze Doodles!! I still want them! O__O

I'm starting to turn into an unhealty person!

Oh! I just realised it's my birthday on upcoming sunday! I turn 19! everybody is like, oh turning 19 is soooo boring... Im like, who cares? As long as i get presents im happy ^___^ Im not so difficut to please :)

I think im making my longest poste here ever. Suddenly i got so much to write about. Well, maybe i update more tonight. I really have to do some school work now >_<


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