tirsdag 12. mai 2009

12th of May - My hair

Okay, it's been over a week since I dyed my hair, and i promised a picture. I haven't posted one since I don't have a camera, haven't been home, and the camera on my phone suck. Then I realized that i should take pictures before it fades to much. So i took someone with my phone, and found some other pics. So here you gooo... Red/pink hair desu~

Please try to ignore my funny faces, I always do them when people take pictures of me *laugs*

Oh, and i still hate blogger for not accepting Wordpress! I might ditch Blogger, and just start all over again at wordpress. Still, i dont want to abandon everything i've written here, it would be sad;/

Aslo, my plan of doing homework phailed, because i dont have ArchiCAD on my computer. Im really stupid sometimes yes. So instead i used my days watching series and stuff. I've piced up some really bad habbits lately, im not working out, i eat more candy than usually! I'm gonn PHAIL getting healthy and ready for mountain trips with my dad! He's soon 60 years and he's faster than me. It's emberrasing!... I have to do something with it.. umh. after this week xD

well, im going to bed soon, so Good Night


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